The Benefits
“First of all, we find the frontline staff at Elephant really pleasant and easy to deal with. Nothing is too much trouble, and on the odd occasion when we need assistance, they’re always there to help out”.
“Also, when we do the sums, Elephant works out as a much more cost-effective option compared to warehousing – particularly as we never have to pay for space we don’t need. We can scale things down at a moment’s notice.”
“Thirdly, we love how easy it is to access our material. I can drop in at 8.00am in the morning, pick up a file and be back in the office by 9.00. No delays, no drama.”
“It’s also fair to say that the environment in Elephant is almost clinically clean – a far cry from our former warehouse experience. Access to our three units is really simple, and we can be in and out in no time.”
“We also like that they have the same attitude as oursleves when it comes to things like responsible energy use – the lights come on when you enter, and are otherwise in power-saving mode. We hate waste!”
“There’s also the security issue. There is a tremendous level of security in evidence at Elephant, and we have absolutely no worries about the safety and security of documents that can often be sensitive in nature.”
“And finally, it’s a much more pleasant experience to visit our Elephant units than try to do the same thing in a warehouse unit. Chalk and cheese, to be honest.”