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Supporting the Local Community

Elephant Storage has been dedicated to supporting the local community and giving back since its opening in 2005. We provide our neighbours with affordable self-storage solutions and actively support local charities and organisations. 

Elephant gives back through events and sponsorships. Supports charities – Feileacain, Purple House, Cancer Society, IRNL, Peter McVerry and Dublin Simon. 

As a local company, we have support from Tallaght Children’s Hospital, the Alzheimer’s Society, Men’s Shed, and Rose Cottage, and we look forward to continuing to do so.

An elephant walking through lush green bushes in the wild.
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Elephants of various colors standing on steps.

Elephant Parade® is a social enterprise and runs the world’s largest art exhibition of decorated elephant statues. Created by artists and celebrities, each Elephant Parade statue is a unique art piece. The life-size, baby elephant statues are exhibited in international cities and raise awareness of the need for elephant conservation.

Limited edition, handcrafted replicas and a select range of products are created from the exhibition elephants. 20% of Elephant Parade net profits are donated to elephant welfare and conservation projects.

Elephant Parade products are sold exclusively in our BoxShop

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At Elephant Storage, we believe in investing in the future of our community. That’s why we run an internship program that offers school leavers work experience and scholarships to their local college. This initiative has proven to be a stepping stone for many young individuals, providing them with valuable knowledge and opportunities. Whether they pursue further education or embark on a more permanent job, our internship program equips them with the skills and confidence they need to succeed. 

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Our staff at Elephant Storage are dedicated to helping people, whether it is supporting local or worldwide events or helping our customers while at our Storage facility giving them top-notch customer service.

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An image of the Elephant and Castle Community Centre, a hub for the local community.

Men’s shed in Tallaght is a great part of the local community. We have met the team over the years, shared a cup of coffee and they’ve told us why it’s such great support from men who live alone and can share any worries.

‘We aim to make it as easy as possible for any like-minded group of men in Ireland to set up, run and maintain a men’s shed. To this end, they provide information, resources and support to their member sheds throughout Ireland; listening and responding to their members’ concerns is a cornerstone of their ethos.’

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Elephant Self Storage are on going supporters of the Alzheimer Ireland. We give locally to the Alzheimers Rose Cottage in Tallaght. Mary Hickey who runs the facility is extremely proud of what she has created and rightfully so! This cottage provides the much needed respite care within the community, they do a range of activities, reading, drawing, baking and outgoing.

While the clients are busy in the facility Rose Cottage also provides a way of relief for there family, friends or carer by offering a professional and practical care service for a few hours per day to take a short break.

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Elephant Storage’s MD Jude O’Meara, joined Acara and volunteered along with 60 others, some trade and most non-trade, to build a safe house in Lesotho South Africa. Even though the population of Lesotho is small it has the 2nd highest number of HIV cases in the world, leaving very young children without parents or a family. Grandparents usually step into the role to take care of children but a lot of the time the children are in vulnerable situations and need a safe place to stay.

The house built by Acara provides teaching facilities, kitchen, bedrooms with a garden to grow vegetables for the children and a much needed safe place.

With Thanks the support of Elephant Storage customers, friends and family Jude raised €7,000 towards the building material used. The following year Elephant Storage helped store supplies sent out to families.

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